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Star Medium Fresh Flower Bouquet


“All the stars are a-bloom with flowers”


This beautiful heart-shaped flower bouquet is the perfect way to show your special someone how much you care. Composed of long-lasting, vibrant flowers in a variety of colors, this bouquet is sure to bring a smile to any face!  Change up the look by selecting different colors to match any occasion or style.


Bouquets are the most popular option for any occasions! No matter if it’s for decoration at home or a gift for the one you love, they’ll fully help you express the words you want to say with romance and elegance.


*All bouquets can be customised to your own needs, contact our florists for more details, price varies depend on the size *



  • Onlyfloral delivers Hong Kong wide!

    Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout Hong Kong with a three day advance order. (For Same day Delivery, please contact our staff for more details)

    Please order your flowers as soon as possible to ensure a timely delivery.

    Our flexible options will ensure that your flowers arrive fast, quick and make a beautiful first impression every time.

    Delivery fee will be calculated according to different areas in Hong Kong.


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