Amour Preserved Flower Bouquet
It is a beautiful mix of pink and purple preserved roses, is petite in size, making it an ideal gift for any occasion. With this romantic bouquet, you can show your loved one your appreciation and admiration.
It can be customised on your own need and most importantly, it lasts up to 1-3 years!
Small Size: 4 Roses
Medium Size: 6 Roses
Large Size: 8 Roses
Deluxe Size: 10 Roses
*Picture shown as a small size bouquet with four preserved roses*
Contact our florists for more details.
Onlyfloral delivers Hong Kong wide!
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout Hong Kong with a 14-21 days advance order. (For a quicker delivery, please contact our staff for more details)
Please order your preserved flowers as soon as possible to ensure a timely delivery.
Delivery fee will be calculated according to different areas in Hong Kong.