Cheerful Small Fresh Flower Bouquet
“Love planted a rose, and the world turned sweet”
Our Cheerful bouquet includes a combination of orange and pink tone roses, hand-tied with greeneries, and finished off with two colors of wrapping paper to make it even more special. It gives a fresh look to the bouquet which is made for beautiful “you”.
Bouquets are the most popular option for any occasions! No matter if it’s for decoration at home or a gift for the one you love, they’ll fully help you express the words you want to say with romance and elegance.
*All bouquets can be customised to your own needs, contact our florists for more details, price varies depend on the size *
Onlyfloral delivers Hong Kong wide!
Delivery is available Monday to Sunday throughout Hong Kong with a three day advance order. (For Same day Delivery, please contact our staff for more details)
Please order your flowers as soon as possible to ensure a timely delivery.
Our flexible options will ensure that your flowers arrive fast, quick and make a beautiful first impression every time.
Delivery fee will be calculated according to different areas in Hong Kong.